Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Aviv Days 39. 40 and 41

The free weekend had taken its toll on an already weary Aviv group 1 as most returned with some form of illness (other than a headache from their parents screaming at them due to their absurd spending). It was straight back to work for those not struck with an ailment, again beginning at all hours of the day across various parts of the kibbutz. Personally, I was working alongside Millie, Zoe and Robbie in hospitality, laying the foundations of a new wall to be built around an enclosed piece of nature. Other jobs also went ahead as per usual, however with a distinctly lower number of participants. A break in toil for lunch yielded a delicious spaghetti bolognaise meal, after all, how can one make a bad spag bol?! Work resumed until thankfully the rain set in.

Due to our interruption at work we were granted further free time, something which seems to be an infinite resource on kibbutz, until we were gathered in the moadon at roughly 5PM for a Purim-inspired program. First, we were quizzed on various facts and interesting knowledge about Purim, of course Jared Engelman dominated the competition, much to the surprise of no one. Next we dramatized a Dr Seuss inspired re-telling of the story, complete with narrators and actors. Finally, we were introduced to a new concept for the week, that of the ‘secret Santa.’ Each person was handed the name of another, and it was this person to whom we are to enact several acts of kindness over the next week, all in secret of course. Murmuring ensued as people pondered how they were to perform these acts and of course the inevitable question “who has me?” A visit from the less than friendly looking doctor took place concurrently as patients were treated in a revolving-door fashion.

Dinner consisted of meat balls and was followed by a program conducted by the current affairs committee. They co-ordinated a group-wide game of charades which, whilst intended to be played in small teams, soon degenerated to Toby and Jared Engelman acting out any movie they could think of. Thus concluded the first day of our final week on Kibbutz Yechiam.

Monday too was a work day which was given an early highlight by the inclusion of shakshuka on a usually dull breakfast menu. Lunch was again sandwiched by two sessions of work, and included another scrumptious meal of shaped schnitzel. A chill afternoon should have followed however after Lucy managed to cut her foot on a piece of glass, the resulting hype and trip to the emergency room ensured that the 
afternoon was anything but chill.

Dinner was the next occasion of note and was certainly a real event. Program co-ordinater Sarai was in attendance on kibbutz and brought with her things which excited many. Firstly, ingredients for us to cook up our very own Israeli dinner, and last but not least our beloved madrich Oded who returned from a week in London. We cooked up a storm, the menu featured two types of pasta, tomato and creamy mushroom, as well as shakshuka, Israeli salad, falafel and tahini. Most described it as the best meal consumed within the realms of kibbutz for the entirety of our stay. Dinner was proceeded by committee time where we were to plan our participant-led programs for the week. It was brightened up however, as Oded produced a Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate bar which exceeded a metre in length, a present for Jared Engelman’s birthday which he missed due to his absence. Pieces of the bar were doled out to all. Bedtime followed.

Tuesday was again spent labouring in our individual jobs, lunch was again schnitzel. Highlights of the day included a brief skype session with Angela from AUJS, as well as a talk from a representative of Gadna, our impending army experience at Sde Boker, who informed us of the ins and outs of our time as a temporary IDF soldier. Chill time was next, and it was followed by dinner which consisted of shaped schnitzel and felafel. The day was completed in beautiful fashion with a pyjama-clad celebration for Zoe’s 18th birthday, a huge milestone on which we wish her a hearty mazal tov!

Another awesome few days down, 111 days to look forward to!


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