Saturday, March 22, 2014

Aviv Days 49, 50 and 51

As we approached a half century of days on the program, we were stationed in what has been dubbed ‘the Gold Coast of Israel,’ Eilat. Day 49 saw an early wakeup for a deliciously egg-y breakfast consisting of almost every type of egg dish you can think of as well as salad and yogo-style puddings. We soon departed our accommodation and headed out to engage in a quick hike before being delivered by bus to a small hub of Eilat which included numerous stores, food and otherwise, as well as being the location for our next activity. Prior to engaging in this activity, we were treated to a lunch delivered to us of schnitzel sandwiches, which we were delighted to receive and give a good home. 

Following the filling of our stomachs, we changed into our swimming costumes and were equipped with life jackets before being split into groups of 10 and heading out on various boats. One boat towed what is known as a banana boat, shaped as a banana, hence the name, which was ridden at breakneck speeds out on waters of Eilat. Needless to say, not all stayed on the boat, some rowdy individuals managed to end up in the drink numerous times. The banana boat was fun but not for all, unfortunately as a group of girls engaged in it, blood filled the boat as Molly’s elbow connected with Bec’s nose, breaking it in the process. I wish her a speedy recovery. On a lighter note, the other boat towed two pieces of plastic which could each hold 5 individuals, whilst we held onto these pieces the Russian gentlemen in the boat would speed as quickly as they could in an attempt to ensure maximum fun. Again, many ended up in the water due to their own ridiculous antics, attempting to jump between the two pieces, form a pyramid, swap places and other fun shenanigans.

As we returned in a state of unbelievable tiredness, we were afforded shower and chill time prior to our dinner. Meals at the Eilat Field School continued to impress with their variety and deliciousness and dinner was no exception. Following dinner we slyly arranged tables and drinks without alerting one Millie Stein whose surprise birthday we were to celebrate a week early due to its falling on Gadna in the coming week. Needless to say she was exceedingly surprised and a fun night was had by all at our hostel, hanging with our Aviv family! Following a fun night of socialising, bed time followed.

Day 50 began with a 2 and a half hour hike which Oded reliably informs me is known as Tzvahot, which physically tested a large majority of the group as well as the grip on their shoes. Needless to say those who lacked hiking boots simply didn’t let us forget the unsuitability of their footwear for the terrain we had to negotiate. However we did eventually complete the testing trek, moving on to our next activity, snorkelling at a beach adjacent to our accommodation. Although I did not participate, I am informed that the water was ridiculously cold however that the experience was very much worth it. Next we were let loose on Eilat with our 25 shekel food budget, Burgers Bar was soon full to the brim with Avivians with burgers and salads consumed left, right and centre. Following some brief shopping by the girls, sunglasses the order to the day, we re-boarded the bus and returned to the Field School. Waiting for us there was program co-ordinator Amir who ran a feedback session about the program so far as well as our madrichim which lasted for a few hours and allowed us to reflect upon our first two months in Israel. Dinner followed, again deliciously before some headed back into the city for some shopping whilst others relaxed on our last night in Eilat.

Friday was a big day for group 1, not only was it Jenna’s 18th birthday, but it was also the day we headed to Kibbutz Ketura, slightly north of Eilat, to be reunited with our ‘cousins’ group 2! We boarded the bus bright and early, arriving at the kibbutz with a full day ahead. First on the agenda, we met Oren, our guide from the kibbutz who then led us on the tour of the nearby Kasui Sand Dunes whose natural beauty and soft sands astounded all. We then engaged in what is known as the Desert Solo Experience, in which we were given some alone time in the desert to be with our thoughts and write whatever our hearts desired. Some interesting and deep sentiments were expressed as we shared our thoughts in smaller groups. Next up was lunch on Ketura, which certainly did not disappoint, featuring more types of vegetables than many can even name as well as some very nice dishes I can wholeheartedly say that no one was dissatisfied. Oren then took us on a tour of the kibbutz, pointing out various industries present and the cruxes of kibbutz life. Next we were assigned rooms, all in very close proximity to the other group, which was much to the liking of many.

Shabbat was next and we attended a beautiful service in the Kibbutz’s synagogue, filled with beautiful singing and a stunning community atmosphere. We sat down to dinner in the cheder ochel and were served challah, chicken, soup, potatoes and other things, of course not in that order. It was simply delicious and a great vibe was felt throughout. A combined program was next up on the agenda, dubbed ‘Shnitzelborsht,’ a station-based quiz-style activity saw us split into mixed groups and engaging in various Israeli and Judaic trivia, on topics such as people, places, history and food. It was certainly enjoyed by all in attendance. Finally, the day was rounded out by delicious treats provided by the kibbutz in honour of Jenna’s birthday which will surely be celebrated in true teenage style tomorrow night as the Kibbutz’s pub opens its doors to over 50 young and rowdy Australians!

Another awesome few days down, 100 days to look forward to!


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