Saturday, May 10, 2014

Aviv: Yoms Hazikaron and Ha'atzmaut + replacement for Desert Experience

Only in Israel can the happiest and saddest days of the year be 60 seconds apart. I am of course speaking of Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut which were commemorated and celebrated on Sunday and Monday respectively, and are a crazily accurate depiction of the constantly dynamic and sometimes topsy-turvy lives lived by Israelis; often times, happiness and sadness follow each other far too closely. Our marking of Yom Hazikaron featured a moving ceremony held by MASA for every one of their roughly 10,000 program participants at Latrun including beautiful renditions of various songs as well as the paying of respect to many of Israel’s casualties of war and terror with special mentions to outstanding individuals who had fallen serving their country. Sunday also saw us arrive at Kiryat Moria, our accommodation for the next few days, and settle back into Jerusalem.

A majorly popular Yom Hazikaron commemoration for Israelis is Jerusalem’s Mount Herzl, we joined thousands of other Israelis there and paid our respects at the official service as well as with our own service and the laying of flowers on a grave of our choice. Following this we were let loose in Jerusalem for the next day and a half to celebrate Israel’s Independence Day in whatever way we chose; a huge night followed and fun was had by all! Tuesday night saw a bombshell dropped as bad weather prevented our desert experience from going ahead and our schedule for the next few days completely changed. The next morning we awoke and left Kiryat to the south of Jerusalem, our first stop was a short hike known as Sataf followed by a delicious lunch of schnitzel sandwiches which were delivered directly to us.

Next up we headed to a system of underground caves which were previously used as escape tunnels but now allow members of the public to crawl through the system. It was certainly not for the fainthearted or claustrophobic as the bravest of us headed in and some for a second time. Our final stop of the day before arriving at Kibbutz Galon, our accommodation for the next few days, was the biblical Valley of Ella where, it is told, that David famously bested the behemoth known as Goliath prior to achieving the kingship of Israel. After a short discussion as to the reliability and truthfulness of the torah and other religious texts we headed off to our accommodation. We were shocked to see a kibbutz far nicer and better equipped than those which we had stayed in earlier in the program.

Thursday featured a viewing of ‘The Wave,’ a film which features the dangers of blind faith from a holocaust perspective, followed by discussions surrounding our expectations and inhibitions for our upcoming trip to Prague and Poland. The day was rounded out by some fun games before bedtime and our release for yet 
another free weekend.

Another awesome week down, 50 days to look forward to!


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